Here is a list of 6 products to add to your daily diet to help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile.

1. Whole grain bread

Whole grain bread contains plenty of magnesium and its consumption increases the production of saliva, which removes the food residue attached to the teeth, and also dilutes sugars, which in turn cause cavities. Keep in mind that if you consume large quantities of magnesium-rich foods, or if you take supplements, you should increase your calcium intake.

2. Fish

Fish contain essential ingredients: calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D, which regulate our calcium-phosphate metabolism and support the health of our teeth. A diet rich in fish products is also a great source of omega-3 fatty acids that support calcium absorption. In addition, fish include fat soluble vitamins like A, E and D, as well as B vitamins and iodine (sea fish), magnesium, potassium, calcium, selenium, sodium and phosphorus. Fatty fish (salmon and mackerel) contain vitamin D, which is essential for the hardness of teeth and bones, because it regulates the calcium-phosphate metabolism in the body and is responsible for the proper mineralization of tooth enamel.

3. Dairy products

Dairy products play an important role in the healthy eating pyramid because they are a source of protein and have an ideal calcium-phosphorus ratio. Thanks to this they are easily absorbed. We know that the body needs calcium in order to build and strengthen the bones in both growing children and adults. When we don’t provide enough calcium to our body, it takes it instead from the stocks stored in the bones and teeth, causing them to weaken. As a result, the demineralized teeth are more susceptible to decay and breaking.
It is therefore important that our diet is rich in natural yoghurts without added sugar, because the lactic acid bacteria contained in them ensure a healthy flora of the digestive tract in the oral cavity.

4. Fruits

Fruits are a source of minerals and vitamin C. Unfortunately, some of them either contain sugars that help feed the cavity-causing bacteria (sweet fruits: grapes, cherries), or acids (citrus fruits), which in turn destroy tooth enamel and cause tooth sensitivity, or contain small seeds that get stuck between the teeth and damage our gums.
Therefore our diet should be rich in apples, which in addition to providing valuable nutrients also naturally cleanse the oral cavity. Of course, this does not mean that you should only eat apples. You should eat all fruits, but be sure to brush your teeth thoroughly after eating them (after about 30 minutes), and use dental floss to remove any remnants of fruit and seeds.

5. Vegetables

It has long been known that vegetables provide valuable nutrients, do not expose tooth enamel to acid and, moreover, contain few calories. Some of them eaten raw (kohlrabi, carrots, radish, or celery) naturally remove deposits and plaque, protecting against cavities and periodontal disease.
In turn, chewing hard vegetables is a great massaging exercise for our gums.

6. Green tea

Green tea is considered to be one of the healthiest drinks in the world and has a positive impact on teeth and gums. Drinking green tea protects the oral cavity and the mucous membrane because it has an alkaline effect (it changes the pH in the mouth), which limits the growth of bacteria that causes cavities, as well as alleviates the symptoms of periodontal disease. In addition, green tea contains fluoride, which is essential for teeth and contributes to increasing the mineral density of the teeth’s bone tissue.
However, in everything moderation and common sense are key, because green tea leaves hard to remove deposit on the teeth, even more so than black tea, so those with a tendency to develop plaque should limit its intake. The optimal daily dose of green tea is up to 3 glasses per day.